Friday, March 26, 2010

Our Town Cafe

some sketches done at the OUR TOWN CAFE on kingsway & broadway

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

life drawing dump Jan-Mar

haven't posted lifedrawing in a while.. so here's a quick dump of recent lifedrawing sketches..
I've been drawing mostly in my moleskines now... so the sketches are alot smaller than what they used to be. and experimenting with various renderings... might go back to newsprint after I've depleted my current moleskines stash.

Edy self portrait

it's rare for me to draw myself... so i thought this warranted a post on its own haha. so that's me in my hoodie and my speech bubble/egg/testicle thing I've been using a lot of lately in my sketches.

sketchbook stuff

some sketchbook stuff from earlier this year...been trying to develop a personal style, if you will, over the course of several sketchbooks now... and am sort of seeing a direction i wouldn't mind exploring more of... the girl on the moped was part of a sketchgroup theme "Intense chick on moped". i liked how she turned out so did a couple of more angles of her.might paint that on canvas when i get a chance.. I've also been doing alot of bodysuits lately.. not really evangelion but definitely inspired by it..

ECCC sketches

some sketches i did while at the booth at Emerald City Comic Con...